GATE-Lab/BRiO seminar series
These seminars are for external guests and can cover any topic in behavioral and experimental economics. They are organized together with the BRiO group at EMLyon and take place on Thursdays from 10:45am to 12:00pm either in the seminar room in GATE Lyon (35 rue Raulin, Lyon 7, France).
BEERS (Behavioral and Experimental Economics Research Seminars)
These are informal meetings (open to all GATE-LAB members and PhD students) where researchers can present their projects in behavioral and experimental economics and get feedback from the group.
Please see the calendar below or contact the organizers Fabio Galeotti (, Astrid Hopfensitz ( and Roberto Brunetti ( for further details.
Next events
Past events
03-09-2024 Hui Xu (Beijing Normal University) – Wings of Growth: A Mindset Intervention in Rural China
02-07-2024 Luisa Lorè (University of Innsbruck) – Reparaturbonus, a policy evaluation
03-06-2024 Diego Aycenena (University of Pennsylvania)
30-05-2024 Agne Kajackaite (University of Milan) – Breaking bad: Malfunctioning control institutions erode good behavior in a cheating game
23-05-2024 Nils Kolling (INSERM, ) – On the neural substrates of planning, changing motivation and sequential goal pursuit
29-04-2024 Shuguang Jiang
18-04-2024 Ritwik Banerjee
09-04-2024 Kingsuwankul Sorravich (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) & Sacha Kramer (GATE)
04-04-2024 Lisa Spantig (RWTH Aachen University) – Individual Preferences for Truth-Telling
26-03-2024 Utteeyo Dasgupta (Fordham University) – “Let It Be”: Motivating Workers Through Task Autonomy
19-03-2024 Eugenio Verrina and Roberto Brunetti
14-03-2024 Thibault Richard
07-03-2024 Matthias Stefan
15-02-2024 Davide Pace
02-02-2024 Julien Picard
25-01-2024 Alice Solda
23-02-2023 Holger Rau (University of Göttingen)
24-11-2022 Daniel Balliet (VU Amsterdam) – Cross-societal differences in cooperation
14-11-2022 Moritz Loewenfeld (TSE) – How winners and losers see the world – implications of motivated reasoning & Fabio Galeotti (GATE) – Lies and Confessions
21-10-2022 Glenn Dutcher (University of Ohio) – Creative capital generation: the role of diverse teams, experience and communication
17-10-2022 Nora Szech (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) – Competing Image Concerns: Pleasures of Skill and Moral Values
10-10-2022 Despoina Alempaki (Warwick Business School) – The menu of deception: what you see is all there is
10-10-2022 James Tremewan (IESEG School of Management) – The impact of referenda on norm-related beliefs
06-10-2022 Despoina Alempaki (Warwick Business School) – Deceptive Communication: Direct Lies and Evasion
04-10-2022 GATE-LAB funding program
28-09-2022 Glenn Dutcher (Ohio University) – Saving lives by understanding risk. How surgeon’s perceptions affect willingness to accept deceased donor kidneys
28-09-2022 Eldar Dadon (Ben-Gurion University) – Goodhart’s law – the cost of knowing
22-09-2022 Lea Cassar (University of Regensburg) – Keep Calm and Carry On: The Short vs. Long Run Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Academic Performance
15-09-2022 Rémi Neveu (University of Geneva) – Statistical analyses of editorial practicesin influential Nature journals
08-09-2022 Vanessa Valero (Loughborough University) – On the relative deservingness of capital and labor
08-09-2022 Lata Gangadharan (Monash University) – The role of the environment in the gender leadership gap
04-07-2022 Elise Payzan-LeNestour (UNSW Business School) – Craving for Money? Evidence from the Laboratory and the Field
02-06-2022 Julia Rose (Erasmus University Rotterdam and Tinbergen Institute) – Lies and Confessions
23-05-2022 David Dickinson (Appalachian State University) – Political ideology, mood response, and the confirmation bias.
20-05-2022 Shaul Shalvi (University of Amsterdam) – Willful Ignorance: A Meta-Analytical Review
19-05-2022 Alberto Prati (University of Oxford) – Motivated Beliefs: A Natural Experiment
10-05-2022 Carsten de Dreu (Leiden University) – On Being Unpredictable and Winning
06-05-2022 Marius Alt (European Commission – Joint Research Centre) – The more the better? Synergies of interventions to tackle climate change and their effects on behavioural spillovers
06-05-2022 Nicola Argelli (LIUC) – Do search engine based technologies foster trust and the development of common communication codes?
03-05-2022 Christian Zehnder (University of Lausanne) – Hindsight Bias and Trust in Government: Evidence from the United States
28-03-2022 Maria Erazo Diaz (GATE) – Expectations models in assets markets: an eye-tracking experiment
18-03-2022 Shuguang Jiang (Shandong University) – Future Financial Pressure and Economic Decision-Making: Evidence from Families of Two Boys vs. Two Girls in Rural China with High Bride Price
18-03-2022 Eldar Dadon (Ben-Gurion University) – CSR as signal in the labor market
03-03-2022 Eugenio Verrina (GATE) – Group dishonesty: Incentives and beliefs