A pourvoir : 2 CDD de 16 mois avec le CNRS dans le cadre d’un dispositif de développement des sciences expérimentales du comportement en France et placé sous la coordination de Marie Claire Villeval : – Un Ingénieur de Recherche en sciences expérimentales du comportement (Doctorat ou Master en économie…
Foraging Meeting
Foraging Meeting, on December 11 to 13, 2024, in Grand Amphithéatre Palais Hirsh, Lyon 2. https://sites.google.com/view/foragingconference/venu
New Initiative for the Development of Behavioral Sciences in France
M.C. Villeval coordinates a seed funding from the ministry of education and research (DGRI) for the creation of a shared platform of the subject-pools from the French experimental laboratories in behavioral sciences (2024-2025).
New research grant funded by ANR, NSF, and ESRC
New research grant funded by ANR, NSF, and ESRC in the framework of the T-AP Democracy, Governance and Trust program for the project « Impact of forced displacement on the development of social preferences and trust in children in the Sahel region » PI: M.C. Villeval (GATE), J. Decety (University of Chicago),…
New research grant funded by ANR and DFG
New research grant funded by ANR and DFG: « COUPLE_LIFE Couples lived (in)equalities at work and home ». PI: Astrid Hopfensitz. Cooperation with RWTH Aachen University. 2024-2026.
Welcome to Arno Riedl, Professor at Maastricht University, who will visit GATE and be hosted by the Collegium of Lyon for the academic year 2024/2025.
Market, Cooperation and Votes Workshop
Many thanks to Antonio Cabrales (U. Carlos III) and Roberto Hernan-Gonzales (BSB) for organizing the Market, Cooperation and Votes Workshop in honor of M.C. Villeval, on June 13-14, 2024, at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. https://economia.uc3m.es/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Program-Workshop.pdf
Lab^2 Incubator
GATE-Lab is proud to be a partner of the Incubator for Collaborative and Transparent Economic Sciences (« Lab Square »), a hub for replications and meta-science based in Berlin and mainly funded by the Leibniz Foundation. PI at GATE : A. Baillon. More information: https://labsquare.net/
PhD Defense
Stefanie Baumgartner has defended her thesis on « Social Norms and Trust among Refugees and Swiss Natives » Cum Laude on 01/07/2024 for the joint degrees of Doctor in Economics of the Universities of Fribourg (Switzerland) and Lyon 2 (France) under the supervision of T. Madies and M.C. Villeval. Congratulations!